My father took me into the city
To see a marching band. He said, "Son when you grow up``. Would you be the savior of the broken. The beaten and the damned?". He said "Will you defeat them. Your demons, and all the non-believers. The plans that they have made?" "Because one day I'll leave you``.
A phantom to lead you in the summer. To join The Black Parade"
When I was a young boy. My father took me into the city. To see a marching band. He said, "Son when you grow up``. Would you be the saviour of the broken. The beaten and the damned?"
¿Lo sienten? SOY YO, emocionado sintiéndome como Gerard Way al cantar con todo mi corazon y emoción, ¡como debe de ser! Me encanta el ambiente, tono, ¡el 2006, todos debieron enloquecer de EMOCIOOOn, yo todaviaaaa! ¡Si! :,D
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